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Why do we need wildlife habitats on our properties?

Our modern ecosystems have been majorly fragmented, dramatically impacting wildlife populations and species diversity around the world. By implementing small changes, we can make sure our properties support local wildlife: providing forage for pollinators and nectar for birds, material for nest making, and spaces for hibernating and overwintering. Did you know that many of our food crops rely on native pollinators to fruit and ripen? By improving the habitat in our yards, we can be a small island of biodiversity in an urban desert.

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How we can help:

We'll help assess your property and see what simple solutions that can be implemented to support local wildlife in your yard. We can offer a wide range of habitat enhancement projects including: pollinator and hummingbird wildflower meadows, lawn alternatives, mason bee boxes, bat houses, bird houses, small water features for wildlife hydration, native plant installation and more!

We can make sure you are doing your part to support healthy and essential biodiversity in your region, and even get your property wildlife habitat certified if you chose to go this route!

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